16 Apr-2024

10 Ways to Make Your Apartment in Kochi More Eco-friendly

Posted onApr 16, 2024
Kochi, Real Estate Market Trends in Kochi

Real estate market trends in Kochi indicate that homeowners are becoming more environment conscious and this has led to the growth of sustainable real estate in Kochi,   materials and practices. They also check if the building has rainwater harvesting, solar lighting in common areas, solar-powered water heaters, and so on. 

Here are some tips that you can follow to make your own apartment eco-friendly:

Add Indoor Plants

Plants can absorb toxic emissions, protecting you and your family from carbon dioxide. They also add beauty to your home. There are several low-maintenance plants that you can bring and add a positive vibe to your home.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce the use of disposables, especially plastic; take a cloth bag with you to go shopping. Reuse the disposable stuff you get when you order food or buy online as much as possible. Repair damaged items instead of dumping and buying new. When it’s not usable any more, send it for recycling rather than dumping in the garbage. You can sell or donate unwanted items.

Cane/Bamboo Portable Furniture

We tend to buy plastic chairs and tables for use in balconies or extra seating when guess arrive as they are lightweight and inexpensive. Switch to bamboo furniture; it’s lightweight, not as expensive as wooden furniture, and much better for the environment and your health. You can also add a quaint look to your home.


Keep your windows open for a few hours each day to let in fresh air and ample ventilation. Seal gaps in doors and windows so that it not only keeps out extra light and sound, but heat as well; this improves insulation, and you will not need to use your A/C excessively.

Energy-Efficient Appliances

Choose appliances like A/C, fridge, TV, washing machine etc. with a high energy efficiency rating. Install BLDC fans and LED light fixtures that consume less power. You can also check out solar-powered gadgets that wont consume electricity.

Conserve Water

Install faucets and shower heads with low flow rate to reduce water consumption. Ensure that all leaks are immediately fixed, and that nobody leaves taps on when not in use. Install water-efficient washing machines and dishwashers, and use drip irrigation to water your plants.

Waste Management

Segregate your waste properly and make it easier for the authorities and association to dispose of waste properly. Compost your kitchen waste if possible. Waste management solutions for apartments in Kochi require homeowners to be diligent about segregation.

Sustainable Decor

Use eco-friendly paints and finishes, tiles, furniture from sustainable or reclaimed wood, and eco-friendly home linen like organic cotton, hemp, etc. This will add a unique style to your home decor too.

Energy Monitoring

Home automation systems for cooling, lighting etc. (like motion-sensor lights for example) can ensure optimal energy usage; use smart devices to track power consumption, and educate your family on energy saving practices.

Start a Kitchen Garden

You may think it’s not possible in an apartment, but it can be done. You can use your balcony or the terrace of your building to have a few plants like curry leaves, chillies, tomatoes, ladies finger, etc. You can coordinate with the other residents and grow more vegetables as a community so that everyone can have some fresh produce. The more plants you have, the better for your building and the environment as a whole!


Varma Homes is a reputed and responsible builder, and uses sustainable construction materials and eco-friendly practices. All projects have sufficient green spaces, and the flat layouts ensure good ventilation. Rainwater harvesting is featured in almost all of our projects, and we have used solar-powered lights for the common areas as far as possible. Varma Homes buildings adhere to RERA and other regulations, and offer superior construction and top-notch amenities.


Q1:How can I make my apartment eco-friendly?

Add indoor plants, use energy-efficient appliances, and conserve water by installing low-flow faucets and fixing leaks promptly.

Q2:What are the best plants for an indoor apartment setting?

Opt for low-maintenance plants like spider plants, peace lilies, and snake plants that thrive indoors and purify the air.

Q3:How can I reduce energy consumption in my apartment?

Use appliances with high energy efficiency ratings and replace standard bulbs with LED lights.

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