An ideal home is one of the best lifetime investment that one can make in his life. A much planned and aspired home is a place where you need to enjoy a healthy, stress free and vibrant life. As soon as you enjoy your home, you will have to leave behind everything and enjoy a stress free life with your family members. All together, a home strengthens the bond between all family members and brings them under a roof.
So if are all set to buy a home or an apartment for yourself or for any of your family members, an extra care need to be made. Advertisements can provide a lot of information, but its highly recommended that physical check and inspection is done with the property to make sure your requirement is satisfied and the quality is superior.
When you are looking to buy an apartment, its always mandatory that you make a checklist of things that you will need and compare them with what is been offered. This will make it easy for you to narrow your search to a project which is very specific and special and focus your discussions only for that.
Here we are providing you a checklist which can help you in selecting the right apartment.
Structure is the foremost and most important aspect which you need to give importance. The structural soundness of the apartment, should be given importance where an enquiry about the materials used should be checked thoroughly. Insulation s, placement of power points and wired connections with the process of how earth quake resistance is done need to checked.
A check-up need to be done if the apartment is provided with all new amenities as said and agreed in the brochures or display. Some of them may include a multi gym, swimming pool. indoor games area, banquet hall, fire extinguisher.
A complete check-up need to be made to make sure that a car park is committed in your house. If the builder does not have a space for car parking and if you have a car, then its going to be a problem.
One need to check if the apartment gives ample space for setting up an outside area, where you can free yourself and kids can play. its important for kids to have some play area as air and space is required for their growth. Such an area gives a lot of space for some physical activity.
If the apartment is too noisy it's better not to choose. Noise levels need to be checked before making any sort of decision as too much of noise is going to be a problem for you, especially if you have elderly people or even too young kids.
Disposal of waste is always a big problem, as public disposal is not any more a culture. Need to check if there is ample infrastructure for waste disposal otherwise it's a factor which will hamper your health.
A 24/7 security is much advised for apartments to avoid entry restriction and recorded entry and also to avoid any kind of issues especially when there are kids.
Connectivity is really important as living in a deserted place is not something which any one would appreciate. Moreover, it should be well connected with all retail shops, hospitals, schools, medial shops which will make ones life easy.
Its going to be extremely thrilling to move to a new apartment which will,be your dream, but if its not the right one then its going to be a worst experience as well. So its advised to check every aspect before the final purchase is done.
Varma Homes, a builder with over two decades of experience is committed to educate our customers with important aspects from the industry which they need to be aware.