01 May-2024

12 Tips to Keep Your Apartment in Trivandrum Cool This Summer

Posted onMay 01, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Trivandrum, Trivandrum

As summer descends upon Trivandrum with its characteristic swelter, the indoor heat can turn your apartment into an uncomfortable sauna. Known for its lush landscapes and coastal beauty, Trivandrum also experiences a tropical climate that brings intense heat and stifling humidity. These conditions not only challenge daily comfort but also test our health. Staying cool becomes not just a matter of comfort, but a necessity. Whether you're a long-time resident, a newcomer, or someone interested in the real estate market trends in Trivandrum, understanding how to maintain a cool and breathable living space is essential. In this blog, we will explore 12 effective and practical tips to transform your sweltering apartment into a cool summer haven, ensuring you can relax and enjoy the best of what Trivandrum has to offer, even during the hottest days.

1. Optimize Air Circulation

Proper ventilation is key. Open windows early in the morning or late at night when the outside air is cooler. Creating a cross-ventilation system by opening opposite windows will facilitate a good airflow that can drive the heat out.

2. Use Reflective Window Films

Installing reflective window films can significantly decrease the heat absorbed by your apartment. These films reflect the sun’s rays away from your home, keeping it cooler and saving on air conditioning costs.

3. Invest in Blackout Curtains

Blackout curtains are not just for those who need to sleep during the day. They can block out the intense sun rays, significantly reducing your indoor temperature. Opt for lighter shades to reflect sunlight away from your apartment.

4. Upgrade to Energy Efficient Appliances

Heat isn't only generated from the outside; appliances can heat up your space too. Switching to energy-efficient appliances will reduce the amount of heat they emit and also lower your electricity bills.

5. Utilize Indoor Plants for Cooling

Plants like Areca Palm, Snake Plant, and Aloe Vera not only purify the air but also help in cooling down the environment naturally. They add moisture to the air and use a process called transpiration, which cools the air around them.

6. Ceiling Fans Over Air Conditioning

Ceiling fans can be a great alternative or complement to air conditioning. They use significantly less energy and can reduce the indoor temperature by circulating air effectively. Ensure they rotate counterclockwise to push cool air down.

7. Use Light-Colored Decor

Light colors reflect heat, so decorating your apartment with light-colored curtains, bedding, and furniture can help keep the room cooler. Consider integrating some Summer Decorating Ideas for Apartments in Trivandrum to refresh your space aesthetically and functionally.

8. Maximize Shade with External Additions

Installing awnings or sunshades can block direct sunlight, significantly reducing indoor heat. Explore local shops for materials that blend with Unique Home Decor Ideas for Your Apartments in Trivandrum.

9. Incorporate Cooling Tiles

If renovation is an option, consider installing cooling tiles like ceramic or porcelain, which remain cool underfoot and are ideal for Trivandrum’s climate. They are more effective and hygienic than carpets during the hot season.

10. Regular Maintenance of Cooling Systems

Keeping your air conditioning units well-maintained ensures they run efficiently and effectively. In Trivandrum, where AC is often necessary, regular maintenance can prevent breakdowns during critical times.

11. Seal Windows and Doors

Check for leaks or gaps in windows and doors where cool air can escape. Sealing these gaps can significantly improve the efficiency of your apartment's cooling system.

12. Stay Hydrated and Adjust Daily Routines

Finally, remember that keeping cool is also about adjusting your lifestyle. Stay hydrated and plan activities during cooler parts of the day. This helps in managing your overall comfort and health.


As the summer heat intensifies in Trivandrum, staying cool becomes crucial not just for comfort but for health. These 12 tips offer practical solutions to reduce indoor temperatures and enhance your living space’s comfort during the hot months. From optimizing air circulation to upgrading to energy-efficient appliances and utilizing cooling decor, each strategy is designed to tackle the unique challenges of Trivandrum’s tropical climate. By preparing early and incorporating these methods, you can enjoy a cooler, more enjoyable summer in your apartment.


What are the best times to ventilate my apartment in Trivandrum to keep it cool?

To maximize the cooling effect through ventilation in Trivandrum, it's advisable to open your windows early in the morning or late at night. These times typically have cooler outside temperatures and lower humidity, which helps in reducing the indoor temperature by allowing cooler air to circulate through your apartment.

How often should I maintain my air conditioning units to ensure they are efficient during the Trivandrum summer?

It is recommended to service your air conditioning units at least once a year, ideally before the onset of the summer season. Regular maintenance includes cleaning or replacing the air filters, checking the coolant levels, and ensuring that all components are functioning optimally. This not only helps in maintaining efficiency but also prevents unexpected breakdowns during the hottest days.

Are there specific indoor plants that are particularly effective in cooling down an apartment in Trivandrum?

Yes, certain plants are known for their cooling properties, which make them ideal for apartments in Trivandrum. Plants like Areca Palm, Snake Plant, and Aloe Vera are excellent choices. These plants engage in a process known as transpiration, which adds moisture to the air and helps to lower the surrounding temperature. Additionally, they can purify the air, making your indoor environment fresher and cooler.

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