
22 Jul

Easy Tricks to Style Your Bedroom in Trivandrum

Posted on Jul 22, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Trivandrum, Trivandrum

Styling your bedroom can significantly impact your well-being, making it a sanctuary where you can relax and rejuvenate. In Trivandrum, where the climate is warm and the culture rich, there are unique ways to style your bedroom that take advantage of these local characteristics. Here are some easy tricks to help you create a stylish and comfortable bedroom in Trivandrum. Embrace Natural Light Trivandrum is blessed with an abundance of natural sunlight. Maximizing this natural resource can make your bedroom feel brighter and more welcoming. Opt for light, sheer curtains that allow sunlight to filter through while maintaining privacy. Placing mirrors strategically across from windows can also help reflect light and create an illusion of more space. This not only enhances the room's aesthetic appeal but also reduces the need for artificial lighting during the day. Use Cool and Calming Colors Given Trivandrum's warm climate, cool colors can make your bedroom feel more relaxing and refreshing. Shades of blue, green, and pastel hues are excellent choices for walls, bedding, and accessories. These colors not only provide a soothing environment conducive to rest but also create a visually appealing contrast with the natural greenery outside. Using a consistent color palette can tie the room together and make it look cohesive and thoughtfully designed. Incorporate Local Art and Handicrafts Trivandrum is renowned for its rich tradition of arts and crafts. Incorporating local artwork and handicrafts into your bedroom décor can add a unique touch of culture and authenticity. Consider adding coir products, traditional paintings, or handmade pottery to your bedroom. These items not only add visual interest but also support local artisans. A beautiful mural or a piece of traditional Kerala art can serve as a stunning focal point in your bedroom. For more inspiration on incorporating local art, you can explore Low Cost Interior Design For Apartments. Optimize for Ventilation Good ventilation is crucial in Trivandrum’s humid climate to keep your bedroom fresh and cool. When arranging your furniture, ensure there is enough space for air to flow freely. Choose window treatments that allow you to open windows wide without obstruction. Ceiling fans are also a great addition to enhance airflow. Proper ventilation helps prevent the buildup of moisture and keeps the air in your bedroom clean and fresh.  Choose Lightweight and Breathable Fabrics In a warm climate like Trivandrum's, using lightweight and breathable fabrics can make a significant difference in your comfort. Opt for cotton or linen bedding, which are both breathable and help regulate temperature. These fabrics feel cool against the skin and are ideal for the humid conditions of Trivandrum. For curtains, lightweight materials allow for better air circulation while still providing privacy. Add Greenery Indoor plants can greatly enhance the aesthetics of your bedroom while improving air quality. Plants like the money plant, snake plant, and peace lily thrive in Trivandrum's climate and require minimal maintenance. These plants not only add a touch of nature to your bedroom but also help purify the air, creating a healthier living environment. Place them on windowsills, bedside tables, or hanging planters to add a fresh, vibrant feel to your room. Effective Tips for Apartment Pest Control in Trivandrum can ensure your plants stay healthy and pest-free. Create a Cozy Reading Nook A cozy reading nook can serve as a personal retreat within your bedroom. Choose a corner of the room and furnish it with a comfortable chair, a small table, and good lighting. Add a soft throw blanket and some cushions to make it even more inviting. This space can be perfect for unwinding with a book or enjoying some quiet time. It adds a functional and stylish element to your bedroom. Use Multifunctional Furniture Incorporating multifunctional furniture is a smart way to maximize space in your bedroom, especially in smaller apartments. Consider furniture pieces like storage beds, which provide extra storage space underneath, or foldable desks that can be tucked away when not in use. These pieces are practical and help keep your bedroom organized and clutter-free. Multifunctional furniture ensures that every item in your bedroom serves a purpose, contributing to a clean and efficient space. Personalize with Photos and Memories Adding personal photos and mementos can make your bedroom feel uniquely yours. Create a gallery wall with your favorite photos, or hang a series of frames in a visually appealing arrangement. Photo strings with fairy lights can add a whimsical touch. These personal touches make your bedroom feel more intimate and reflective of your personality. They also serve as daily reminders of cherished memories and loved ones. Maintain Clutter-Free Spaces A clutter-free bedroom promotes relaxation and tranquility. Regularly declutter your space and find efficient storage solutions for your belongings. Use organizers for drawers and closets to keep things tidy. Under-bed storage boxes can also help store items out of sight while keeping them easily accessible. Maintaining a clutter-free environment ensures that your bedroom remains a peaceful retreat where you can unwind and relax. Conclusion Styling your bedroom in Trivandrum can be a delightful and rewarding experience. By embracing natural light, using cool colors, incorporating local art, optimizing ventilation, choosing breathable fabrics, adding greenery, creating a reading nook, using multifunctional furniture, personalizing with photos, and maintaining clutter-free spaces, you can transform your bedroom into a stylish and comfortable sanctuary. These easy tricks not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your bedroom but also improve your overall well-being.Also read: Real estate market trends in Trivandrum

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19 Jul

Five Key Financial Advantages of Purchasing a Home in Trivandrum at a Young Age

Posted on Jul 19, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Trivandrum, Trivandrum

In recent years, there's been a noticeable trend of young professionals investing in real estate. Trivandrum, the capital city of Kerala, stands out as a prime location for these young homebuyers. With its favorable real estate market trends in Trivandrum, this blog will highlight the financial benefits of purchasing a home in the city at a young age, showcasing the unique advantages it offers. Lower Cost of Living Trivandrum boasts a relatively lower cost of living compared to other metropolitan cities in India. For young professionals, this means more disposable income and greater savings potential. The cost-effectiveness extends to various aspects of life, including affordable groceries, utilities, and transportation. For instance, monthly expenses in Trivandrum can be significantly lower than in cities like Bangalore or Mumbai. This economic advantage allows young homeowners to manage their finances better and save for future investments. Property Appreciation Potential Trivandrum's real estate market has shown promising trends in property value appreciation. Over the past decade, there has been a steady increase in property prices, driven by infrastructural developments such as the Vizhinjam Port and the expansion of Technopark. These projects are expected to boost the local economy, making real estate in Trivandrum a lucrative investment. Young buyers who invest now are likely to see substantial returns as the city continues to grow and develop. Tax Benefits One of the most attractive financial advantages of buying a home at a young age is the array of tax benefits available. Under Indian tax laws, young homebuyers can claim deductions on home loan interest and principal repayment. These tax benefits can lead to significant savings, reducing the overall cost of homeownership. For example, under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, homeowners can claim a deduction of up to ₹1.5 lakhs on principal repayment, while Section 24(b) allows a deduction of up to ₹2 lakhs on home loan interest. These benefits provide young professionals in Trivandrum with substantial financial relief, making homeownership more affordable. Long-Term Investment Security Real estate is considered one of the most stable and secure long-term investments. Unlike the volatility seen in stocks and mutual funds, real estate tends to appreciate steadily over time. Trivandrum's real estate market, with its consistent growth and future development prospects, offers a secure investment opportunity. Investing in property at a young age not only provides a sense of security but also lays the foundation for financial stability. Young buyers can leverage their property as an asset for future financial endeavors, such as starting a business or funding higher education. Rental Income Opportunities Trivandrum presents excellent opportunities for generating rental income. The city's growing population and the influx of professionals working in Technopark and other industries have increased the demand for rental properties. Areas near Technopark, educational institutions, and major commercial hubs are particularly sought after by renters. Young homeowners can capitalize on this demand by renting out their properties, thus generating a steady stream of passive income. For instance, a 2BHK apartment in a prime location can fetch a monthly rental income of ₹15,000 to ₹20,000, significantly offsetting mortgage payments and enhancing financial stability. Quality of Life Beyond financial benefits, purchasing a home in Trivandrum offers an enhanced quality of life. The city is known for its green spaces, clean air, and relaxed lifestyle. These factors contribute to a better living environment, positively impacting personal well-being and financial health. Young homeowners in Trivandrum enjoy a balanced life, with access to essential amenities such as quality healthcare, educational institutions, and recreational facilities. Essential amenities in an apartment, such as modern fitness centers, swimming pools, and community halls, further enhance the living experience. Testimonials from young homeowners highlight the improved quality of life and the satisfaction of living in a city that combines modern amenities with a serene environment. Early Financial Independence Buying a home early in life fosters financial discipline and independence. Young homeowners learn to manage their finances more effectively, gaining valuable experience in budgeting, saving, and investing. This early financial independence sets the stage for long-term financial success. Stories of young homeowners in Trivandrum reveal how they have achieved financial stability and built wealth through smart real estate investments. Practical tips for managing finances as a young homeowner include setting a budget, prioritizing savings, and planning for future expenses. Conclusion In conclusion, purchasing a home in Trivandrum at a young age offers numerous financial advantages. The lower cost of living, potential for property appreciation, tax benefits, long-term investment security, rental income opportunities, quality of life, and early financial independence make it a wise decision for young professionals. By investing in Trivandrum's real estate market, young buyers can secure their financial future and enjoy a higher quality of life. With these benefits in mind, it's clear that Trivandrum is an ideal location for young homebuyers looking to make a smart and impactful investment. Whether you're drawn to the city's growth potential, its cost-effective living, or the quality of life it offers, purchasing a home in Trivandrum can be a rewarding financial decision.Also read: The New Wave of Apartment Living in Trivandrum: What Young Buyers Want

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16 Jul

Best 5 Renovation Ideas for Flats in Trivandrum

Posted on Jul 16, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Trivandrum, Trivandrum

Renovating your flat in Trivandrum can be both an exciting and daunting task. With the city’s blend of traditional and modern influences, finding the perfect renovation ideas can significantly enhance your living space. Whether you're looking to maximize your space, incorporate traditional Kerala elements, or simply modernize your kitchen and bathroom, we’ve got you covered. Let's dive into the top five renovation ideas for flats in Trivandrum that will transform your living space into a stylish and functional haven. 1. Maximize Space Utilization In the bustling city of Trivandrum, space is often at a premium, making it essential to make the most of every square foot. Here are some Small Space Storage Ideas For Flats that can help you achieve just that: Multifunctional Areas: Combine living and dining spaces with multifunctional furniture like sofa beds, extendable dining tables, and wall-mounted desks. These pieces can save space and provide versatility in how you use your rooms. Vertical Storage: Utilize vertical space by installing built-in shelves, cabinets, and loft storage. This approach helps keep the floor area uncluttered while providing ample storage. Hidden Storage: Incorporate hidden storage solutions such as under-bed drawers, ottomans with storage, and fold-out desks. These can keep your flat organized and tidy without compromising on style. Local vendors and contractors in Trivandrum offer a wide range of space-saving furniture and storage solutions, making it easier for you to find the perfect pieces for your home. 2. Incorporate Traditional Kerala Elements Trivandrum’s rich cultural heritage can be beautifully reflected in your home decor. By blending modern design with traditional Kerala architecture, you can create a unique and aesthetically pleasing living space: Natural Materials: Use natural materials like wood and cane for furniture and decor to achieve a rustic look that resonates with traditional Kerala homes. Traditional Motifs and Patterns: Incorporate traditional motifs and patterns in your decor, such as Kerala murals, handcrafted wooden furniture, and brass lamps. These elements can add a touch of elegance and cultural significance to your flat. Local Artisans: Engage with local artisans and shops in Trivandrum to source unique traditional items that can enhance the cultural vibe of your home. By integrating these elements, you not only preserve the cultural heritage but also add a timeless charm to your living space. 3. Enhance Natural Light and Ventilation Given Trivandrum’s tropical climate, enhancing natural light and ventilation in your flat is crucial for maintaining a comfortable living environment: Large Windows and Skylights: Installing large windows and skylights can flood your rooms with natural light, making the space feel brighter and more open. Light Colors and Mirrors: Use light-colored paint and strategically placed mirrors to reflect natural light throughout your flat, creating an illusion of more space. Ventilation Solutions: Ensure proper ventilation by installing exhaust fans, ceiling fans, and using breathable materials for curtains and upholstery. Local regulations and tips from Trivandrum's building codes can guide you in making these changes effectively, ensuring that your home is both comfortable and compliant. Also read: Apartment Lighting Ideas for a Brighter Look in Apartments in Trivandrum 4. Modernize Kitchen and Bathroom Modernizing your kitchen and bathroom can significantly improve the functionality and aesthetics of your flat: Smart Appliances: Invest in smart appliances like touchless faucets, smart refrigerators, and energy-efficient dishwashers to add a modern touch and improve convenience. Durable Materials: Use durable and easy-to-clean materials such as granite or quartz countertops, and ceramic or porcelain tiles for the kitchen and bathroom. These materials are not only stylish but also practical. Local Suppliers: Trivandrum has a variety of suppliers and contractors who can help you source the best materials and appliances for your renovation project. By modernizing these key areas, you can enhance the overall value and appeal of your flat. 5. Create a Green Oasis Incorporating greenery into your urban flat can create a serene and refreshing environment: Indoor Plants: Select indoor plants that thrive in low-light conditions, such as snake plants, pothos, and ZZ plants. These plants can purify the air and add a touch of nature to your home. Vertical Gardens: Set up vertical gardens on balconies or walls to maximize green space without taking up floor area. This can also act as a natural screen, providing privacy and a calming ambiance. Balcony and Terrace Gardens: Utilize your balcony or terrace to create a small garden with potted plants, hanging baskets, and even a small herb garden. This not only enhances the aesthetics but also provides a relaxing outdoor space. Local nurseries and gardening services in Trivandrum can provide the necessary resources and guidance to help you create your green oasis. Conclusion Renovating your flat in Trivandrum can be a rewarding experience that transforms your living space into a functional and stylish home. By maximizing space utilization, incorporating traditional Kerala elements, enhancing natural light and ventilation, modernizing your kitchen and bathroom, and creating a green oasis, you can significantly improve your quality of life. Stay updated with the real estate market trends in Trivandrum to make informed decisions and create a home that reflects your personal style and meets your needs.

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15 Jul

How To Buy An Apartment Complex in Trivandrum

Posted on Jul 15, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Trivandrum, Trivandrum

If you’re looking for tips on real estate investment strategies in Trivandrum, consider purchasing an apartment complex. You can earn a steady monthly income by renting out the units in the complex. Thanks to the benefits of living in luxury apartments in Trivandrum like centralized maintenance, gyms, swimming pools, party halls etc., they are very popular.  Why Should You Buy an Apartment Complex? It enables portfolio diversification, consistent cash flow, steady income, and risk mitigation By acquiring additional units, you can expand your holdings and scale your business With operational costs being spread over several units, reduce your per-unit cost and boost profitability Depreciation, interest on housing loans and property taxes can help you reduce your overall tax liability Buying An Apartment Complex Trivandrum real estate is booming with the current and future opportunities for development in Trivandrum. Kazhakkoottam IT Park, the presence of top-notch research and educational institutes, exceptional healthcare facilities, and other infrastructure development work is fuelling the demand for real estate in the city. What Should You Consider When Buying an Apartment Complex? Before you delve into the purchase, there are certain things you should be aware of, and things you need to understand: Types of Apartment Buildings There are many types of apartment buildings. Choose the one that is fit with your goals. Class A - new building featuring amenities like swimming pool, party hall, gym, etc Class B - 10–20 years old, with a couple of amenities reasonably well-maintained Class C - 20-30 years in age, and usually lacking amenities; it may need major renovations Class D - very old buildings which have to be completely redeveloped or need large-scale renovations Selecting the Market Check the market - is it rising or declining? Trivandrum real estate is in a boom, and it makes perfect sense to invest here. If you invest in a market that’s slowing down, you may be in trouble. Make a Budget You must have a clear idea of what you want to spend; whether it’s cash you have or a loan, you need to decide the upper limit of your investment, and stick to it. Consider how much you will to actually purchase, and also for other expenses like registration, renovations, etc. Loan Pre-Approval Approach a few lenders to get pre-approved for housing loans. Take all necessary documentation like income proof, ITR, bank statements, credit score, and so on. You can compare terms and interest rates and attempt to get pre-approved by a couple of lenders. Look Up Properties The best place to start is online. Check out the localities, amenities, the builder’s reputation, age of the building and more. Physically inspect the apartments to make sure everything is in good condition. Verify whether the builder has adhered to regulations and taken all the required permits and that the title is clear.  Tenant History Take a look at the records and see if the building has a good occupancy percentage so that you will know how much earning potential it has. You can also research about the kind of tenants, like young families, senior citizens, etc. This will help you decide the kind of property management services you’ll need to provide. Finalize When you’re satisfied that a certain property matches all the conditions in your mind, re-approach your lender, and finalize the loan. Close the deal with the owner of the building, and began preparing to rent out the apartments as soon as possible to start earning from your investment. Conclusion Investing in real estate can be very lucrative provided you do your due diligence. Trivandrum’s real estate market is expected to rise for the coming future, and it is wise to invest now. Buying an apartment complex as an investment is not a very common move; if you have the risk appetite, the funds, and the eligibility for higher loan amounts, it will reap rich rewards. Varma Homes projects in Trivandrum are mostly new buildings with top-notch amenities, and adhere to all RERA and government norms. FAQs Why is buying a home in Kochi at a young age financially beneficial? Buying a home in Kochi at a young age offers numerous financial benefits, including lower initial investment costs, potential property appreciation, tax savings, and rental income opportunities. These factors contribute to significant long-term savings and financial stability. How does the growth of luxury flats in Kochi impact real estate investments? The growth of luxury flats in Kochi positively impacts real estate investments by increasing property values and demand. Investing in a luxury flat can lead to substantial appreciation over time, providing young buyers with higher returns on their investment. What are the tax benefits of buying a home in Kochi for young buyers? Young homebuyers in Kochi can enjoy tax benefits such as deductions on home loan interest and principal repayment under Sections 24 and 80C of the Income Tax Act. These deductions reduce taxable income, resulting in significant tax savings.

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12 Jul

Apartment Lighting Ideas for a Brighter Look in Apartments in Trivandrum

Posted on Jul 12, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Trivandrum, Trivandrum

Real estate market trends in Trivandrum show that more people want flats than standalone homes. Are you looking for some simple tips to make your apartment look larger and more attractive? You have come to the right place! Today, there are several options available in the market when it comes to lighting ideas and light fixtures. Be sure to also follow electrical safety tips for flats in Trivandrum for your lighting decor. Ambient Lighting This is all about creating a space with soft and even lighting. For this effect, select light fixtures that give out a soft glow. You can also install light curtains or blinds to get maximum sunlight inside and create a warm, cosy atmosphere. Accent Lights Make a statement with accent lighting, at your main entrance or corridors, by highlighting a specific area. Use spot or focus lights here and also to make your paintings, idols, showcases or other art pieces more prominent. Track Lights These are uber cool lights, modernistic, sleek and minimalist. They can be wired in a single system, one continuous device that use electrical conductors to connect several light fixtures. These lights highlight specific areas in your apartment, and are ideal in the living room, corridors, or dining area. Chandeliers Chandeliers scream style and opulence, and are great additions to your living room. While the traditional crystal chandeliers are still available, there is a lot more choice today when it comes to design. LED chandeliers are cost-effective, and don’t consume much electricity either. Wall-Mounted Lights These are ideal for the bedroom, kitchen, and bathrooms. They help you save floor space, and are practical and functional. They can give the much-needed brightness to a room, and also add some character when you choose quirky designs. Recessed Lighting When you want an area to have even, bright lighting, you can install lights directly in the ceiling. Recessed lights help in creating a beautiful illumination where you install them. These are especially easy to install when you have false ceilings, and are ideal for the living room. Cove Lights These basic lights increase the charm of any room. They are installed to direct light right onto the ceiling from their place in a cove on one or more sides. It diffuses the light spread to create a soft look which is great when you want some quiet time with family or friends. The ideal placement for cove lights is behind the valances of crown mouldings. Task Lights Kitchen counters are where these lights are installed most commonly, but you can also have them above study tables. They are minimalistic and simple, and bright lights so that you have ample light to do the task at hand. Here are some general tips to make your apartment appear brighter in addition to installing the right lights: Use curtains that are light in colour and fabric for a more cheerful appearance Place mirrors around the house to reflect natural light and create the illusion of a larger space. Alternatively, you can use metallic furniture or frames that are highly polished to create the same effect. Painting your walls in light, pastel shades can give a brighter appearance also make the place look larger Conclusion Keep your home well-lit to ensure a positive, cheerful, and relaxing atmosphere. Dim, low, lights can cause dullness and bad moods. The ideal combination of natural and electric lights can make your home a happy place. Varma Homes apartments feature premium fixtures and the layout offers several opportunities for you to experiment with lighting. Let your creativity flow and create a vibrant home without investing too much time or money. Varma Homes apartments are spacious and have the best amenities you can hope for. Check out the premium 2 and 3 BHK flats by Varma Homes in the best localities of Trivandrum to see how to identify energy-efficient apartments. FAQs What are some effective lighting ideas to make my apartment in Trivandrum look larger and more attractive? To make your apartment look larger and more attractive, consider using a combination of ambient lighting, accent lights, and track lights. Ambient lighting provides a soft and even glow, while accent lights can highlight specific areas like artwork or architectural features. Track lights are sleek and minimalist, ideal for living rooms and dining areas. Additionally, using light-colored curtains and strategically placed mirrors can enhance natural light and create the illusion of a larger space. Q: How can I create a cozy atmosphere in my Trivandrum apartment with lighting? Creating a cozy atmosphere in your apartment can be achieved by using ambient and cove lighting. Ambient lighting provides a warm, even glow throughout the space, perfect for relaxation. Cove lights, installed to direct light onto the ceiling, create a soft, diffused light spread, ideal for quiet family time or intimate gatherings. Adding light curtains or blinds to maximize sunlight and choosing soft, warm light fixtures can further enhance the cozy feel. Q: What types of lighting fixtures are best for specific areas in my apartment? Different areas of your apartment can benefit from specific types of lighting fixtures: Living Room: Chandeliers and recessed lighting for a bright and stylish look. Bedrooms and Bathrooms: Wall-mounted lights to save floor space and add practicality. Kitchen: Task lights above counters and recessed lights for even, bright illumination. Corridors and Entrances: Accent lights to highlight art pieces or create a welcoming atmosphere. Study Areas: Task lights to ensure sufficient brightness for focused work.

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10 Jul

10 Reasons To Have Indoor Plants In Your Apartment In Trivandrum

Posted on Jul 10, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Trivandrum, Trivandrum

Looking at real estate market trends in Trivandrum, we see more families preferring apartment life over living in individual homes. This applies to young families as well as senior citizens. If you’re concerned about living in a concrete palace, there’s good news for you. You can have a good number of plants inside your apartment. If you’re not convinced, we’ll give you ten tips for apartment gardening in Trivandrum: 1. Air Purification Having plants indoors improves the air quality inside your flat. It absorbs harmful chemicals from cleaners, pollen, mould, and other toxins, giving you protection against fatigue, allergies, and feeling ill. 2.Make your Space Vibrant Most flat interiors are in pale colours and brining plants can actually make it colourful. A dash of green is always a pleasant way to break the monochrome, but plants also come in yellow and red shades. If you get flowering plants, they are even more colourful. Buy different coloured pots to put your plants in and make it even more picturesque. 3. Different Decor Rather than investing in too many curios and show pieces, let your plants be your decor. This way, you can have a fresh look. Plants are living, breathing things, and can be placed on the window sill and mantles in addition to the floor, giving a cosy and homely look. 4. Relax Better Having plants around you also puts you in a better mood; they are major stress relievers. You can literally feel the tension go away when you tend to your plants. It recharges your energy and makes you more productive. 5. Fresh Food You can grow curry leaves, mint leaves, green chillies, ginger etc. right inside your apartment - and it is very exciting and satisfying when you pluck fresh produce to cook. You can get together with other residents and plant tomatoes, ash gourds and other vegetables in a corner of the grounds or on the terrace too. 6. Have Medicines Handy Several plants have medicinal properties, like ginger, tulsi, aloe vera, lemongrass etc. these plants can be easily grown in grow bags inside or just outside your apartment. You can make quick home remedies for common ailments with these plants. Certain plants also help you keep flies and mosquitoes away - mint, citronella, etc. 7. Sleep Better Placing plants in your bedroom provides you with more oxygen and helps you sleep better throughout the night. Having a good night’s sleep helps you wake up fresh and energetic the next morning. 8. Spread Fragrance Many plants spread fragrance and help you get rid of odors that may be caused by cooking, sweat, and so on. Rather than light candles or use chemicals, natural fragrance from mint, lavender, roses, etc. are healthier and more pleasant. 9. Easier Than Pets You have the satisfaction of caring for a living thing without having to worry about feeding them in time, cleaning their poop, taking them to the vet, or destroying your furniture. 10. Easy Maintenance If you don’t have a green thumb, get plants that are easy to care for. Many plants don’t even require daily watering - money plant is one of them, and it grows quickly too. You also get fertilizer sticks and can arrange drip watering with ordinary plastic bottles. No expertise needed! Conclusion With the rise in demand for sustainable real estate development in Trivandrum, builders are conscientiously incorporating green spaces into their projects. Varma Homes is one such developer, with their projects featuring lifestyle amenities that unlock the doors to an elevated way of living. Check out their premium 2 and 3 BHK flats in the choicest residential areas of Trivandrum. Varma Homes is an ethical builder, and all projects adhere to RERA and other norms. Experience seamless purchase with complete transparency.

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07 Jul

Things to Consider If You Want A Pet In Your Apartment In Trivandrum

Posted on Jul 07, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Trivandrum, Trivandrum

Do you live in an apartment and are thinking of getting a pet? Or you’re considering moving to one, and are worried what to do with your pet? Real estate market trends in Trivandrum indicate that more flat owners prefer to have pets of some kind, with families getting smaller. So it’s not impossible to have a pet in your apartment. Just keep in mind certain factors, and you should have it easy. Know the Association’s Position By law, you cannot be prevented from having a pet in an apartment. According to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960, Section 11 (3), no by-laws can be passed by residents’ association to that effect. However, if the building you have shortlisted has residents who are completely against pets, you may need to consider other buildings, as you will constantly face strife and life can become difficult. Keep your Pet Safe Smaller dogs and cats are ideal pets for apartments. Keep them safe by securing doors and windows or put them in crates when nobody is home so that they don’t wander outside - they can be harmed by people or other animals, or could fall and injure themselves.  Keep them Leashed Ensure that you have them on a leash or harness when you take them outside the flat. This will keep them safe from other pets, strays, and unruly residents, and keep other pets and residents safe from them too. Pets may get frightened at sudden noises and crowds and try to run away or attack others. Clean up After Them If your pets do their business outdoors, carry a scooper and a plastic bag, so that you can dispose it properly rather than leave it lying there. Keep your apartment premises and the footpaths outside clean. Choose Proper Furniture Wooden furniture can be targeted by your pets - they may bite and scratch and spoil it. Go for steel or wrought-iron furniture instead and keep your furniture safe. Similarly, with upholstery, be careful about the material you use. Don’t choose material that they will spoil, catch and trap fur, or irritate them and make breathing difficult. Leather and Rexine are more durable and safe for your pets too; you can also cover your furniture with thick cotton sheets to keep it safe if you have other fabrics. Limit Chemicals Many cleaning materials are made from chemicals which can harm your pets. Choose products made from organic or simple materials that are safe for your pets. The most common culprits are floor cleaners; pets may lick the floor, or their skin may get irritated when they lie down. See these tips for apartment pest control in Trivandrum; ensure your pets are not in the house when you do it. Make it Comfy Cats are quite independent but dogs are not; ensure they get plenty of exercise by taking them for walks, get them toys to play with, and have comfortable beds for them to sleep. Keep them well hydrated, especially in the summer. Consult a vet for ideal food and nutrition, and keep a bowl in the corridor or bedroom - never the kitchen - for their food. Keeping pets well-fed, loved and nourished, will ensure they don’t howl and cry too much. Consider this is one of the noise reduction strategies for apartment living. General Rules  Ensure your pets get timely vaccines Train your pet and get professional help if aggressive Never put pets into the swimming pool Strictly don’t allow other residents to tease your pet as they will get annoyed Be open about having a pet, you are legally allowed. Conclusion Pets are a joy to have in your life as they love unconditionally. But also remember that they are expensive, and need your time. Get a pet only if you are ready to invest both time and money into their care. Varma Homes has spacious apartments where you can care for pets properly. Varma Homes has premium 2 and 3 BHK apartments with top-notch amenities and spacious layouts. FAQs Can apartment associations in Trivandrum legally prevent me from having a pet? No, apartment associations in Trivandrum cannot legally prevent you from having a pet. According to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960, Section 11 (3), no by-laws can be passed by residents' associations to prohibit pets. However, it's important to consider the general attitude of the residents towards pets to avoid potential conflicts. How can I keep my pet safe in an apartment in Trivandrum? To keep your pet safe in an apartment in Trivandrum, secure doors and windows to prevent them from wandering outside. Use crates when you're not home to avoid accidents. Always leash or harness your pet when taking them outside to protect them from other animals and ensure they don't run away or get into trouble. What are some tips for pet-friendly furniture and cleaning in apartments? For pet-friendly furniture, opt for steel or wrought-iron pieces, and choose upholstery materials that are durable and easy to clean, such as leather or Rexine. Use thick cotton sheets to cover furniture if necessary. Avoid using chemical-based cleaning products that can harm your pets; instead, choose organic or pet-safe options, especially for floor cleaners.

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04 Jul

Small Space Storage Ideas For Flats in Trivandrum

Posted on Jul 04, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Trivandrum, Trivandrum

If you’ve followed the real estate market trends in Trivandrum and decided to move from your individual house into a flat, you’ve made the right decision. If you’re worried about how you will find space for all your belongings, we’ve got you covered with these tips on  how to maximize kitchen storage in an apartment.  Get Rid of Clutter The first step is to throw out, sell, or donate things that you’ve accumulated over the years in your house but that you don’t really need. Having too many things in the house can reduce the space for things that you do need. Having fewer things also makes your living space look larger. Repurpose your Furniture Select your furniture carefully - avoid large, ornate sofas, and choose sleek designs instead. Get pull-out beds that function as sofas in the day, coffee tables with storage for magazines and newspapers, foldable study tables and breakfast tables with vertical storage inside, shoe racks that also serve as tool cabinets, and so on. Place openable benches for sitting that have inner storage for cushions, home linen, umbrellas, and more. Multi-use Living Room Wall Unit Most people get wall units just as a showcase but you can use it for many things with a few design modifications. After leaving space for your TV, you can have open shelves for show pieces, and have open baskets to sort and store miscellaneous items. Have closed cabinets at the bottom to store items like school stuff, documents, wires, cables, tools, decoration items and so on. Vertical Closets Corridors and your main entrance are ideal places to have these closets to store rain wear, umbrellas, helmets, gardening stuff, bigger tools and so on that can look messy when left outside. In the kitchen, these closets are great to hold extra groceries, snacks, sauces, kitchen linen, and other condiments. Wall-mounted Cabinets These are a must-have in any apartment. It gives you plenty of storage space without reducing your floor space. In the kitchen these hold your groceries, pots and pans, etc. In the bedrooms, for your clothes and important documents, and in the bathroom, for your toiletries, detergents, cosmetics, and so on. Under Sink Storage You can simply enclose the space under the sink in every bathroom and your kitchen to store cleaning materials like detergents, liquid soap, floor cleaners, brushes, scrubs and so on. Under-Bed Storage The perfect place to store extra mattresses, blankets, pillows, sheets, and towels is under the bed. You can also keep your big suitcases, vacuum cleaners and similar items. The storage space can be incorporated in the bed design, or you can get large cartons for the purpose. Bedside Table On top of the table, keep your water, daily medicines, mobile, charger, night lotion etc. - anything that you need to access quickly. A night table with a drawer and a small cabinet below it lets you store medicines, books, sewing materials, masks, heating pad, torch and so on. Dining Table Storage Make a dining table with under the top storage, which can be opened by drawers. Store cutlery, table mats and kitchen linen for easy retrieval whenever you want. Conclusion We are sure that you’re convinced that moving into an apartment doesn’t mean not having space for the things you love and need. You just need to be a little creative and use the same space for multiple things so that you’re not inconvenienced. Varma Homes buildings feature premium 2 and 3 BHK homes that are spacious and designed in such a way that every inch can be productively utilized. Have a look at the premium Varma Homes projects in the top residential areas of Trivandrum. Varma Homes adheres to all government and RERA norms, and you get world-class amenities, robust construction, and transparent dealings for a hassle-free purchase experience Also read: Tips for Keeping Your Apartment in Trivandrum in Clean FAQs How can I create more storage space in a small flat without making it look cluttered? The key is to use multi-functional furniture and smart storage solutions. Opt for pull-out beds that double as sofas, coffee tables with hidden storage, and foldable tables with built-in shelves. Wall-mounted cabinets are a great way to add storage without taking up floor space. By carefully selecting sleek, space-saving designs, you can keep your flat organized and spacious. What should I do with items that I don't frequently use but don't want to throw away?  Utilize under-bed storage and vertical closets for items you don't need daily but still want to keep. Under-bed storage is perfect for storing extra mattresses, blankets, and suitcases. Vertical closets in corridors or the entrance can store rainwear, helmets, and gardening tools. These solutions help keep infrequently used items out of sight but easily accessible when needed. How can I maximize kitchen storage in a small apartment? Start with wall-mounted cabinets to store groceries, pots, and pans without taking up floor space. Incorporate under-sink storage to keep cleaning supplies organized. Vertical closets can hold extra groceries and kitchen linens. Also, consider dining tables with built-in drawers for cutlery and table mats. These ideas help utilize every inch of your kitchen efficiently, keeping it tidy and functional.

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03 Jul

Healthy Living in Trivandrum Apartments: Top Tips for Staying Fit and Active

Posted on Jul 03, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Trivandrum, Trivandrum

Living in an apartment in the bustling city of Trivandrum offers a unique set of opportunities and challenges for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With the right approach, you can transform your living space and the surrounding environment into a fitness-friendly haven. This guide will provide you with practical tips and insights into staying fit and active while living in Trivandrum apartments, focusing on the unique aspects of this beautiful city. Additionally, as we explore these tips, we'll also touch upon the real estate market trends in Trivandrum and how they can impact your lifestyle choices. Embracing Trivandrum's Climate for Outdoor Activities Trivandrum’s tropical climate is perfect for outdoor activities. With warm temperatures year-round, you have ample opportunities to enjoy outdoor workouts. The best times for outdoor exercises are early mornings and late evenings when the weather is cooler. Walking, jogging, and cycling are excellent ways to stay active while soaking in the natural beauty of Trivandrum. Morning Walks: Start your day with a brisk walk in the early morning. The fresh air and peaceful surroundings can invigorate your senses and set a positive tone for the day. Cycling: Explore the city on a bicycle. Cycling not only improves cardiovascular health but also allows you to discover new places and enjoy the scenic routes of Trivandrum. Utilizing Apartment Spaces for Home Workouts Apartment living often means limited space, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have an effective workout routine at home. With some creativity, you can transform even the smallest spaces into a workout area. Bodyweight Exercises: Push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks are perfect for small spaces. They require no equipment and can be modified to suit any fitness level. Yoga and Pilates: These practices are ideal for apartment living. They enhance flexibility, strength, and mindfulness without needing much space. All you need is a yoga mat. Also read: Effective Workouts You Can Do in Your apartments in Trivandrum Local Parks and Recreation Areas Trivandrum is home to several parks and open spaces that provide excellent venues for physical activity. Napier Museum and Zoo: This area is perfect for a relaxed walk or jog amidst nature. Kanakakkunnu Palace Grounds: A great spot for group activities and fitness classes. You can join yoga sessions, dance classes, or even boot camps. Being outdoors not only boosts physical health but also improves mental well-being by reducing stress and increasing happiness. Engaging with the Community Staying active is easier when you have a support system. Engaging with the local community can provide motivation and accountability. Fitness Groups: Join local fitness groups or clubs. Many communities in Trivandrum have walking groups, running clubs, and cycling teams. Online Communities: If you prefer virtual interactions, numerous social media groups and online forums cater to fitness enthusiasts in Trivandrum. These platforms offer support, advice, and sometimes even virtual workout sessions. Healthy Eating Options in Trivandrum Nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Trivandrum offers various options for sourcing healthy, fresh food. Local Markets: Visit local markets like Chalai Market to get fresh fruits, vegetables, and other healthy food items. Supporting local farmers not only gets you fresh produce but also contributes to the local economy. Healthy Restaurants: Explore cafes and restaurants that focus on healthy eating. Places like Villa Maya and Azad offer nutritious and delicious meal options. Meal Prepping: Prepare your meals in advance to ensure you have healthy options readily available. This can help you avoid the temptation of unhealthy fast food. Integrating Traditional Practices Incorporating traditional practices like Ayurveda into your lifestyle can enhance overall wellness. Ayurvedic Centers: Trivandrum is known for its Ayurvedic heritage. Local centers and wellness retreats offer treatments and consultations to help you integrate Ayurveda into your routine. Home Remedies: Simple Ayurvedic recipes and remedies can be prepared at home. For instance, drinking warm water with lemon and honey in the morning can aid digestion and detoxification. Leveraging Technology for Fitness Technology can be a powerful ally in your fitness journey. Fitness Apps: Apps like MyFitnessPal and Fittr are popular in Trivandrum for tracking workouts and nutrition. Virtual Trainers: If you prefer guided workouts, consider hiring a virtual personal trainer. Platforms like Zoom and Skype make it easy to have personalized sessions from the comfort of your home. Wearable Tech: Devices like fitness trackers and smartwatches help monitor your activity levels, heart rate, and sleep patterns, keeping you motivated and on track. Staying Motivated and Setting Goals Maintaining motivation is key to a successful fitness routine. Realistic Goals: Set achievable goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This could be anything from running a certain distance to losing a specific amount of weight. Fitness Journal: Keep a journal to track your progress. Documenting your workouts, meals, and feelings can help you stay accountable and motivated. Overcoming Common Challenges Staying active in an apartment setting comes with its own set of challenges. Here are some practical solutions: Time Constraints: If you’re short on time, try shorter, high-intensity workouts. Even 15-20 minutes of intense exercise can be highly effective. Space Limitations: Use multi-functional furniture and equipment like foldable exercise mats and resistance bands that don’t take up much space. Motivation Dips: Find what inspires you—whether it’s a motivational podcast, an inspiring book, or a fitness buddy. Surround yourself with positivity and reminders of why you started. Conclusion Living in Trivandrum apartments doesn’t have to be a barrier to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By embracing the local climate, utilizing apartment spaces creatively, engaging with the community, and leveraging technology, you can stay fit and active. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier, happier life in Trivandrum.Also read: Tips to Attract Positive Energy into Your Flat in Trivandrum FAQs How can I stay active during the monsoon season in Trivandrum? During the monsoon, focus on indoor workouts such as yoga, Pilates, and bodyweight exercises. You can also use online workout platforms to keep your routine varied and interesting. What are some beginner-friendly exercises I can do at home? Beginner-friendly exercises include bodyweight squats, push-ups, lunges, planks, and basic yoga poses. These exercises are effective and require no equipment. Are there any local fitness events or marathons in Trivandrum? Yes, Trivandrum hosts several fitness events and marathons throughout the year. Keep an eye on local event listings and community boards for updates. How do I find a workout buddy in my apartment complex? You can find a workout buddy by joining fitness groups or clubs in your apartment complex. Alternatively, posting a notice on community boards or social media groups can help you connect with like-minded individuals. What are the best apps for tracking fitness progress in Trivandrum? Popular fitness apps include MyFitnessPal for nutrition tracking, Strava for running and cycling, and Fittr for personalized workout plans. These apps help you stay organized and motivated.

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26 Jun

Effective Workouts You Can Do in Your Apartments in Trivandrum

Posted on Jun 26, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Trivandrum, Trivandrum

Staying fit in a bustling city like Trivandrum can be challenging, especially when space and time are limited. The city's unique blend of traditional and modern lifestyles requires a fitness approach that is both practical and effective. Whether you're navigating the real estate market trends in Trivandrum or looking for tips to attract positive energy into your flat, incorporating a home workout routine can significantly enhance your quality of life. Here’s how you can stay active and healthy without stepping out of your apartment. Understanding the Trivandrum Lifestyle Trivandrum, with its vibrant culture and growing urbanization, offers a distinctive lifestyle that blends the old with the new. The work culture is dynamic, the climate is tropical, and the living spaces vary from traditional homes to modern apartments. Amidst this, convenience and accessibility become key factors in maintaining a fitness routine. Given the humid climate, indoor workouts provide a comfortable alternative to outdoor exercises, ensuring you stay fit year-round. Benefits of Apartment Workouts Working out in your apartment has several advantages. Firstly, it's time-saving and convenient, eliminating the need for a commute to the gym. It's also cost-effective, as you don’t need a gym membership or expensive equipment. Moreover, you can tailor workouts to fit your schedule, allowing for flexibility in your fitness routine. These benefits align perfectly with the busy lifestyles of Trivandrum residents. Essential Equipment for Apartment Workouts To get started, you don’t need much. Some essential equipment includes resistance bands, dumbbells, and a yoga mat. These items are compact and versatile, making them ideal for small spaces. Local stores and online retailers in Trivandrum offer a variety of options, often at competitive prices. Investing in basic equipment ensures you have the tools needed for a well-rounded workout regimen. Cardio Workouts Cardio is crucial for cardiovascular health and overall fitness. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is particularly effective, requiring minimal space and time. Here are some exercises you can do in your apartment: Jumping Jacks: A simple yet effective full-body workout. Burpees: Great for building strength and endurance. High Knees: Helps improve coordination and cardiovascular fitness. To make your cardio sessions more enjoyable, consider using traditional Kerala music for motivation. The rhythmic beats can add an element of fun to your workouts. Strength Training Strength training helps build muscle and improve metabolism. Here are some bodyweight exercises suitable for apartment workouts: Push-ups: Effective for strengthening the upper body. Squats: Great for working the lower body and core. Lunges: Help improve balance and flexibility. Planks: Excellent for core strength. You can also use household items as weights, such as water bottles or bags of rice. Integrating traditional Kerala techniques, like using filled pots for added resistance, can add a local touch to your routine. Flexibility and Mobility Maintaining flexibility is essential for overall health and well-being. Yoga is particularly beneficial, aligning well with Kerala’s cultural practices. Here are some simple yoga poses: Sun Salutations: A series of poses that improve flexibility and strength. Child’s Pose: Helps relax the body and stretch the back. Downward Dog: Stretches the hamstrings and calves. Yoga not only enhances physical flexibility but also promotes mental relaxation, making it a perfect fit for the serene ambiance of Trivandrum. Mindfulness and Relaxation Incorporating mindfulness practices like meditation and breathing exercises into your routine can greatly enhance your mental well-being. The benefits of these practices are especially pronounced in a peaceful city like Trivandrum. Local resources, such as online classes or apps offering guided meditation in Malayalam, can provide accessible ways to practice mindfulness. Sample Weekly Workout Plan Here’s a structured plan that combines cardio, strength, and flexibility workouts: Monday: HIIT (20 minutes) Push-ups (3 sets of 15) Squats (3 sets of 20) Tuesday: Yoga (30 minutes) Meditation (10 minutes) Wednesday: Cardio (30 minutes) Lunges (3 sets of 15) Planks (3 sets of 1 minute) Thursday: Yoga (30 minutes) Breathing exercises (10 minutes) Friday: HIIT (20 minutes) Bodyweight exercises (Push-ups, squats, lunges) Saturday: Flexibility exercises (30 minutes) Relaxation and mindfulness (15 minutes) Sunday: Rest day or light stretching This plan can be adjusted based on your fitness level and preferences. Nutrition Tips for Trivandrum Residents A balanced diet is crucial for complementing your workout routine. Opt for traditional Kerala dishes that are both healthy and nutritious. Incorporate plenty of vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Considering the humid climate, staying hydrated is also essential. Drinking coconut water and other hydrating fluids can help maintain your energy levels. Community and Support Maintaining a fitness routine is easier with a support system. Join local fitness groups or online communities for motivation and inspiration. Trivandrum has a growing number of fitness influencers and trainers who offer virtual classes. Engaging with these resources can help you stay committed to your fitness goals. Conclusion Apartment workouts are an effective and convenient way to stay fit in Trivandrum. By incorporating cardio, strength training, flexibility exercises, and mindfulness practices, you can achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Whether you’re navigating the real estate market trends in Trivandrum or seeking tips to attract positive energy into your flat, maintaining a regular fitness routine is a valuable investment in your overall well-being. Stay committed, stay active, and enjoy the benefits of a healthier lifestyle right from the comfort of your home. Also read: Apartment Gardening in Trivandrum – Tips and Ideas for Trivandrum

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